1200 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite 303 925.930.8090 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
There are many important aspects to managing residential property that a responsible property management company will oversee and execute. Our services begin with preparing your property for lease prior to procuring a qualified tenant and end with conducting a thorough inspection once your tenant has vacated. Listed is a brief description of the services we provided before, during and after your tenant has taken possession of your property:
Your home will be inspected in order to note any safety hazards or potential future problems that may affect the integrity of your property. A written report will be given to you for review. Assistance and coordination of approved repairs can be facillitated.
One of our licensed leasing agents will conduct a comprehensive market analysis prior to marketing your property to obtain the maximum rental amount with the least number of days vacant.
Premium Properties utilizes an extensive and proven marketing program to procure the best-qualified tenants in the least amount of time.
Our experienced leasing agents are available evenings, weekends and normal business hours to show your property to prospective tenants
A key component in finding a qualified tenant is proper screening. Our process includes a strict and consistent set of standards to thoroughly screen prospective tenants.
After being in business 25+ years, we have a nearly perfect track record of not having to evict a tenant that we procured and qualified, which is well below the industry standard. To find the most qualified tenant, viewing a credit report is not enough. In addition to checking an applicant's credit for credit payment history, overall score, past late payments, collections, unlawful detainers and/or evictions, we also base our decision on past rental history with current and previous landlords, employment history, as well as verifying income. In these ways, we help to ensure finding you a tenant who has a steady history of favorable payments and employment.
Premium Properties employs the use of lease template documents from the California Association of Realtors along with proprietary addendums.
We belong to the Contra Costa Association of Realtors, California Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. As members, we receive first-hand knowledge as to updates to local, state and federal laws & ordinances pertaining to residential property management. Premium Properties will prepare a lease agreement that will include all addendums/disclosures required by law to properly secure your tenant prior to occupancy in addition to addendums created in house that further address and protect the interests of our clients.
A thorough and detailed inspection of your property immediately prior to occupancy will accurately document the condition of your property prior to a tenant taking possession. This inspection will include digital pictures of the interior and exterior of your property.
Rent will be collected on the first of each month. A monthly statement describing all activity will be sent to you along with any monies owed after expenses.
7 days a week, 24 hours a day your tenant will be able to reach a qualified employee of Premium Properties who will quickly direct one of our trusted vendors to your property for any maintenance or repair issues. During the last 25+ years Premium Properties has compiled an extremely talented and honest group of vendors who will efficiently perform necessary repairs.
Once your tenant has vacated your property a detailed move out inspection will be performed. The Condition of your property will be documented. Any damage by tenant will be noted and more digital pictures will be taken. Costs of repairs will be deducted from your Tenant's security deposit as allowed by current law.
A Year End report, as well as MISC-1099 stating rental income received for the year, will be prepared and sent after the end of each calendar year.
The Year End report will summarize & categorize all income and expenses throughout the previous year. These documents will be available in paper version and/or electronic and will be posted to your Owner Online Portal for easy access whenever you need them. Your accountant will surely thank you for this.
DRE Lic # 01335730